Top 5 – Pure Storage Technical Blog Posts 2014

Today I thought it would be pretty cool to list out my favorite 5 technical blog posts that pertain to Pure Storage. These are posts that I use to show customers how to get things done without re-inventing the wheel. Big thanks to Barkz and Cody for all the hard work they put in this year. Looking forward to even more awesomeness this year.

SQL Server 2014 Prod/Dev with VMware PowerCLI and Pure Storage PowerShell Toolkit – Rob “Barkz” Barker

Enhanced UNMAP script using with PowerCLI and RESTful API – Cody Hosterman

VMware PowerCLI  and Pure Storage – Cody Hosterman
Check out the great script to set all the vSphere Best Practices for the Pure Storage Flash Array.

Pure Storage PowerShell Toolkit Enhancements – Rob “Barkz” Barker

PowerActions – The PowerCLI Plugin for the vSphere Web Client with UNMAP – Cody Hosterman


Provision vSphere Datastores on Pure Storage Volumes with Powershell

A week or so ago our Pure Storage powershell guru Barks @themsftdude sent out some examples of using Powershell to get information via the Pure Storage REST API. My brain immediately started to think how we could combine this with PowerCLI to get a script to create the LUN on Pure and then the datastore on vSphere. So now provision away with Powershell! You know, if that is what you like to do. We also have a vCenter plugin if you like that better.

So now you can take this code and put it into a file New-PSDataStore.ps1

What we are doing:

1. Login to vCenter and the REST API for the Array.
2. Create the Volume on the Flash Array.
3. Place the new volume in the Hostgroup with your ESX cluster.
4. Rescan the host.
5. Create the new Datastore.

Required parameters:

-FlashArray The name of your array
-vCenter Name of your vCenter host
-vCluster Name of the cluster your hosts are in. If you don’t have clusters (what?) you will need to modify the script slightly.
-HostGroup The name of the hostgroup in the Pure Flash Array.
-VolumeName Name of the volume and datastore
-VolumeSize  Size of the volume. This requires denoting the G for Gigabytes or T or Terabytes
-pureUser The Pure FlashArray username
-pureUser The Pure FlashArray  password

# example usage
#.\new-PSdatastore.ps1 -FlashArray "Array" -vCenter "vcenter" -vCluster "clustername" -HostGroup "HostGroup" -VolumeName "NewVol" -VolumeSize 500G -pureUser pureuser -purePass purepass
#On the Volume Size parameter you must include the letter after the number I have tested <number>G for Gigabytes and <number>T for Terabytes
#Special thanks to Barkz @themsftdude for the kickstart on the API calls.
#Find me @jon_2vcps on the twitters. Please make this script better.
# If you do not have a stored PowerCLI credential you will be prompted for the vCenter credentials.
#Not an official supported Pure Storage product, use as you wish at your own risk.

[string] $FlashArray,
[string] $VCenter,
[string] $vCluster,
[string] $HostGroup,
[string] $VolumeName,
[string] $VolumeSize,
[string] $pureUser,
[string] $purePass


Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core

[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { $true }
$FlashArrayName = $FlashArray
$vCenterServer = $VCenter
$esxHostGroup = $HostGroup
Connect-viserver -Server $vCenterServer

$workHost = get-vmhost -Location $vCluster | select-object -First 1

$AuthAction = @{
password = $purePass
username = $pureUser
$ApiToken = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "https://${FlashArrayName}/api/1.1/auth/apitoken" -Body $AuthAction

$SessionAction = @{
api_token = $ApiToken.api_token
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "https://${FlashArrayName}/api/1.1/auth/session" -Body $SessionAction -SessionVariable Session

Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri "https://${FlashArrayName}/api/1.1/volume/${vname}?size=${vSize}" -WebSession $Session
Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri "https://${FlashArrayName}/api/1.1/hgroup/${esxHostGroup}/volume/${vname}" -WebSession $Session
$volDetails = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri "https://${FlashArrayName}/api/1.1/volume/${vname}" -WebSession $Session
$rescanHost = $workHost | Get-VMhostStorage -RescanAllHba
$volNAA = $volDetails.serial
$volNAA = $volNAA.substring(15)
$afterLUN = $workHost | Get-scsilun -CanonicalName "naa.624*${volNAA}"
New-Datastore -VMhost $workHost -Name $vname -Path $afterLUN -VMFS