[UPDATE June 2016: Appears this works with Ubuntu only, maybe a debian flavor. I am hearing RHEL is problematic to get the dependencies working.]
I have blogged in the past about setting up vROPS (vCOPS) and Splunk to monitor a Pure Storage FlashArray using the REST API. Scripts and GETs and PUTs are fun and all but what if there was a simple tool you can install to have your own on site monitoring and analytics of your FlashArrays?
Enter Pure ELK. Some super awesome engineers back in Mountain View wrote this integration for Pure and ELK and packaged it an amazingly easy insatllation and released it on Github! Open Source and ready to go!
Don’t know Docker? Cool we will install it for you. Don’t know Kibana or elasticsearch? Got you covered. One line in a fresh Ubuntu install (I used Ubuntu but I bet your favorite flavor will suffice).
go ahead and try:
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pureelk/pureelk/master/pureelk.sh | bash -s install
(fixed url to reflect no longer in Dev)
This will download and install docker, setup all the dependencies for Pure ELK and let you know where to go from your browser to config your FlashArrays.
I had one small snag:
Connecting to the Docker Daemon!
My user was not in the right group to connect to docker the first time. The Docker install when it is not automated actually tells you to add your user to the “docker” group in order to
$sudo usermod -aG docker [username]
Log out and back in that did the trick. If you know a better way for the change to be recognized without logging out let me know in the comments.
I re-ran the install
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pureelk/pureelk/dev/pureelk.sh | bash -s install
In about 4 minutes I was able to hit the management IP and start adding FlashArrays!
Quickly add all your FlashArrays
Click the giant orange PLUS button.
This is great if you have more than one FlashArray. If you only have one it still works. Everyone should have more Flash though right?
Fill in your FlashArray information. You can choose your time-to-live for the metrics and how often to pull data from the FlashArray
I added a couple of arrays for fun and then clicked “Go to Kibana”
I could have gone to
https://[server ip]:5601
Data Already Collecting
This is just the beginning. The next post I will share some of the pre-packaged dashboards and also some of the cusotmizations you can make in order to visualize all the Data PureELK is pulling from the REST API. Have fun with this free tool. It can be downloaded and setup in less than 10 minutes on a linux machine, 15 minutes if you need to build a new VM.