Setting up Portworx on a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid aka TKG Cluster

First, this process works today on clusters made with the TKG tool that does not use the embedded management cluster. For clarity I call those clusters TKC or TKC Guest Clusters. The run as VM’s. You just can’t add block devices outside of the Cloud Native Storage (VMware’s CSI Driver). At least I couldn’t.

Now TKG deploys using a Photon 3.0 template. When I wrote this blog and recorded the demo the current latest version is TKG 1.2.1 and the k8s template is 1.19.3-vmware.

Check the release notes here:

First generate base64 encoded versions of your user and password to vCenter.

# Update the following items in the Secret template below to match your environment:

VSPHERE_USER: Use output of printf <vcenter-server-user> | base64
VSPHERE_PASSWORD: Use output of printf <vcenter-server-password> | base64

The vsphere-secret.yaml save this to a file with your own user and password to vCenter (from above).

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: px-vsphere-secret
  namespace: kube-system
type: Opaque

kubectl apply the above spec after you update the above template with your user and password.

Follow these steps:

# create a new TKG cluster
tkg create cluster tkg-portworx-cluster -p dev -w 3 --vsphere-controlplane-endpoint-ip 10.21.x.x 

# Get the credentials for your config
tkg get credentials tkg-portworx-cluster

# Apply the secret and the operator for Portworx
kubectl apply -f vsphere-secret.yaml
kubectl apply -f ''

#generate your spec first, you get this from generating a spec at
kubectl apply -f tkg-px.yaml 

# Wait till it all comes up.
watch kubectl get pod -n kube-system

# Check pxctl status
PX_POD=$(kubectl get pods -l name=portworx -n kube-system -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl exec $PX_POD -n kube-system -- /opt/pwx/bin/pxctl status

You can now create your own or use the premade storageClass

kubectl get sc
default (default)                Delete          Immediate           false                  7h50m
px-db                     Delete          Immediate           false                  7h44m
px-db-cloud-snapshot      Delete          Immediate           false                  7h44m
px-db-cloud-snapshot-encrypted   Delete          Immediate           false                  7h44m
px-db-encrypted           Delete          Immediate           false                  7h44m
px-db-local-snapshot      Delete          Immediate           false                  7h44m
px-db-local-snapshot-encrypted   Delete          Immediate           false                  7h44m
px-replicated             Delete          Immediate           false                  7h44m
px-replicated-encrypted   Delete          Immediate           false                  7h44m
stork-snapshot-sc                stork-snapshot                  Delete          Immediate           false                  7h44m

Now Deploy Kube-Quake

The example.yaml is from my fork of the kube-quake repo on github where I redirected the data to be on a persistent volume.

kubectl apply -f
deployment.apps/quakejs created
service/quakejs created
configmap/quake3-server-config created
persistentvolumeclaim/quake3-content created

k get pod
NAME                      READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
quakejs-668cd866d-6b5sd   0/2     ContainerCreating   0          7s
k get pvc
NAME             STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
quake3-content   Bound    pvc-6c27c329-7562-44ce-8361-08222f9c7dc1   10Gi       RWO            px-db          2m

k get pod
NAME                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
quakejs-668cd866d-6b5sd   2/2     Running   0          2m27s

k get svc
NAME         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                         AGE
kubernetes   ClusterIP     <none>        443/TCP                                         20h
quakejs      LoadBalancer   <pending>     8080:32527/TCP,27960:31138/TCP,9090:30313/TCP   2m47s

Now point your browser to: http://<some node ip>:32527
Or if you have the LoadBalancer up and running go to the http://<Loadbalancer IP>:8080

Demo! Zero Data loss App Recovery in Kubernetes aka Disaster Recovery

For the demo I have 2 Kubernetes clusters with a single stretched Portworx cluster in AWS. This allows Metro DR to mirror the data between the 2 clusters so if there is a complete loss of Cluster 1 the application can be restarted with no loss of data.

You can have active workloads on both clusters. Just FYI.

Lots of new things to learn over the last month. I wanted to present everyone with my first demo with #portworxbypure. The official documentation is here. Always read the docs on how to set it up.

For the demo I have 2 Kubernetes clusters with a single stretched Portworx cluster in AWS. This allows Metro DR to mirror the data between the 2 clusters so if there is a complete loss of Cluster 1 the application can be restarted with no loss of data. The ELB in Amazon can be set to provide little interaction when getting your app back up and working, for this demo I tell the the deployment to fail over. Sort of the big red button for failover. Like all the things Cloud Native this can be automated.

Please check out this demo on YouTube and let me know what you think.

There are of course many options when it comes to how your app will work and this is for a basic web frontend and database. Scale out databases can be treated different. It all depends on how your application is architected and what the DR requirements will be.

Portworx and TKG – Portworx Scalable Storage in TKG

Portworx + Pure Storage = awesome

I have recently been pretty occupied with learning TKG and oh yeah also Portworx. I wanted to share what I have learned so far when it comes to getting Portworx up and running in a TKG Cluster. So without too much introduction lets dive right in.

Create a new cluster

You need 3 worker nodes for Portworx.

tkg create cluster px1 --plan=dev -w 3

Install Portworx

Get IP’s for Ansible inventory
TKG uses DHCP for all of the deployed Kubernetes VM’s which is fine. This command will create an inventory.ini in order to run ansible playbooks against the cluster. Remember if you add nodes to update the inventory.ini.

kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="ExternalIP")].address}' | awk -v ORS='\n' '{ for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) print $i }' >inventory.ini

Run the Ansible Playbook
This playbook is install the linux headers the TKG Photon template does not include. Copy this playbook and save it to playbook.yaml for example.

- hosts: all 
  become: yes 
  - name: upgrade photon 
    raw: tdnf install -y linux-devel-$(uname -r)
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini -b -v playbook.yaml -u capv

Notice that the username for the TKG nodes is capv.

# Follow this link from portworx for more details.

Create the vsphere credentials in a secret

Create a vsphere-secret.yaml file and paste the yaml below making sure replace the credentials with your own generated with the base64 example below.

#VSPHERE_USER: Use output of printf <vcenter-server-user> | base64
#VSPHERE_PASSWORD: Use output of printf <vcenter-server-password> | base64
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: px-vsphere-secret
  namespace: kube-system
type: Opaque

Then apply the secret

kubectl apply -f vsphere-secret.yaml

# Hostname or IP of your vCenter server

export VSPHERE_VCENTER=vc01.fsa.lab

# Prefix of your shared ESXi datastore(s) names. Portworx will use datastores who names match this prefix to create disks.


# Change this to the port number vSphere services are running on if you have changed the default port 443


export VSPHERE_DISK_TEMPLATE=type=thin,size=200

export VER=$(kubectl version --short | awk -Fv '/Server Version: /{print $3}')

curl -fsL -o px-spec.yaml "$VER&c=portworx-demo-cluster&b=true&st=k8s&csi=true&vsp=true&ds=$VSPHERE_DATASTORE_PREFIX&vc=$VSPHERE_VCENTER&s=%22$VSPHERE_DISK_TEMPLATE%22"

kubectl apply -f px-spec.yaml

So the curl command at the end of this code block will create the px-spec.yaml file that will install Portworx in your cluster. Notice all the variables that have to be set for this to work. If you skip any of these above or below you will have problems.

Create a repl = 3 storage class or whatever you want to test.

Copy the text below to a new file called px-repl3-sc.yaml

kind: StorageClass
    name: px-repl3-sc
   repl: "3"

Then apply the new StorageClass

kubectl apply -f px-repl3-sc.yaml

PX Backup also will get you the PX-Central UI

helm install px-backup portworx/px-backup --namespace px-backup --create-namespace --set persistentStorage.enabled=true,persistentStorage.storageClassName="px-repl3-s"

This will get you up and running on a trial license and enough to experiment and learn Portworx. If you are new to helm make sure to learn more here.