Portworx and TKG – Portworx Scalable Storage in TKG

Portworx + Pure Storage = awesome

I have recently been pretty occupied with learning TKG and oh yeah also Portworx. I wanted to share what I have learned so far when it comes to getting Portworx up and running in a TKG Cluster. So without too much introduction lets dive right in.

Create a new cluster

You need 3 worker nodes for Portworx.

tkg create cluster px1 --plan=dev -w 3

Install Portworx

Get IP’s for Ansible inventory
TKG uses DHCP for all of the deployed Kubernetes VM’s which is fine. This command will create an inventory.ini in order to run ansible playbooks against the cluster. Remember if you add nodes to update the inventory.ini.

kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="ExternalIP")].address}' | awk -v ORS='\n' '{ for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) print $i }' >inventory.ini

Run the Ansible Playbook
This playbook is install the linux headers the TKG Photon template does not include. Copy this playbook and save it to playbook.yaml for example.

- hosts: all 
  become: yes 
  - name: upgrade photon 
    raw: tdnf install -y linux-devel-$(uname -r)
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini -b -v playbook.yaml -u capv

Notice that the username for the TKG nodes is capv.

# Follow this link from portworx for more details.


Create the vsphere credentials in a secret

Create a vsphere-secret.yaml file and paste the yaml below making sure replace the credentials with your own generated with the base64 example below.

#VSPHERE_USER: Use output of printf <vcenter-server-user> | base64
#VSPHERE_PASSWORD: Use output of printf <vcenter-server-password> | base64
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: px-vsphere-secret
  namespace: kube-system
type: Opaque

Then apply the secret

kubectl apply -f vsphere-secret.yaml

# Hostname or IP of your vCenter server

export VSPHERE_VCENTER=vc01.fsa.lab

# Prefix of your shared ESXi datastore(s) names. Portworx will use datastores who names match this prefix to create disks.


# Change this to the port number vSphere services are running on if you have changed the default port 443


export VSPHERE_DISK_TEMPLATE=type=thin,size=200

export VER=$(kubectl version --short | awk -Fv '/Server Version: /{print $3}')

curl -fsL -o px-spec.yaml "https://install.portworx.com/2.6?kbver=$VER&c=portworx-demo-cluster&b=true&st=k8s&csi=true&vsp=true&ds=$VSPHERE_DATASTORE_PREFIX&vc=$VSPHERE_VCENTER&s=%22$VSPHERE_DISK_TEMPLATE%22"

kubectl apply -f px-spec.yaml

So the curl command at the end of this code block will create the px-spec.yaml file that will install Portworx in your cluster. Notice all the variables that have to be set for this to work. If you skip any of these above or below you will have problems.

Create a repl = 3 storage class or whatever you want to test.

Copy the text below to a new file called px-repl3-sc.yaml

kind: StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
    name: px-repl3-sc
provisioner: kubernetes.io/portworx-volume
   repl: "3"

Then apply the new StorageClass

kubectl apply -f px-repl3-sc.yaml

PX Backup also will get you the PX-Central UI

helm install px-backup portworx/px-backup --namespace px-backup --create-namespace --set persistentStorage.enabled=true,persistentStorage.storageClassName="px-repl3-s"

This will get you up and running on a trial license and enough to experiment and learn Portworx. If you are new to helm make sure to learn more here.

Kubespray and vSphere VMs

I build and destroy Kubernetes clusters nearly weekly. Doing it on VMs makes this super easy. I also need to demo Pure Service Orchestrator so having in guest iSCSI is a must. Following this repo should give any vSphere admin an easy way to learn kubectl, helm and PSO quite easily (of course PSO works with Pure FlashArray and FlashBlade). This uses Terraform to create the VM and Kubespray to install k8s. Ansible can also be used for a few automations of package installs and updates.

I am going to try something new and not recreate the github readme and just share the repo link.


Migrate Persistent Data into PKS with Pure vVols

While I discussed in my VMworld session this week some of the architectural decisions to be made while deploying PKS on vSphere my demo revolved around once it is up and running how to move existing data into PKS.

First, using the Pure FlashArray and vVols we are able to automate that process and quickly move data from another k8s cluster into PKS. It is not limited to that but this is the use case I started with.

Part 1 of the demo shows taking the persistent data from a deployment on and cloning it over the vVol that is created by using the vSphere Cloud Provider with PKS. vVols are particularly important because they keep the data in a native format and make copy/replication and snapshotting much easier.

Part 2 is the same process just scripted using Python and Ansible.

Demo Part 1 – Manual process of migrating data into PKS

Demo Part 2 – Using Python and Ansible to migrate data into PKS

How to automate the Migration with some Python and Ansible

The code I used is available from code.purestorage.com. Which also links to the GitHub repo https://github.com/PureStorage-OpenConnect/k8s4vvols

They let me on a stage. Again. 🙂

Use PKS Enterprise on VMware SDDC and Pure Storage

Use PKS Enterprise on VMware SDDC and Pure Storage

Pivotal Container Services (PKS) provides a deeply integrated Kubernetes (k8s) architecture for the VMware SDDC. It is a joint engineering project from VMware and Pivotal. In my conversations with Pure Storage customers or potential customers around Kubernetes I often get asked about how Pure Storage can help a PKS Enterprise environment. The good news is there is a very easy path to utilizing k8s with Pure + VMware + PKS.

The Architecture

Using Pure with PKS is actually very straight forward. Since Pure FlashArray is already leading choice for all VMware environments it is not anything out of the ordinary to support PKS. 

Understanding the underlying technology that integrates PKS into VMware you may soon realize that highly reliable, stateless and shared storage is the best choice when deploying PKS. 

The choice between drivers (shown in the graphic above) to deliver the Storage is up to you. The vSphere Cloud Provider provides automated creation and management of the virtual disks presented to containers in PKS. This supports the use of vVols and enables great possibilities for your PKS environment.  Pure Service Orchestrator utilizes a direct connection to Pure Storage FlashArrays, FlashBlades and Cloud Block Stores. It is installed with a single Helm command or Kubernetes Operator. It includes Smart Provisioning in order to place volumes on the most optimal storage device in your fleet.

The choice of which tool will be dictated by your workload. It is not an exclusive choice either. It is easy to do both. After VMworld I hope to publish the details on how to install PSO on PKS. If you have really good github search foo you may be able to find the bosh deployment.

Highly Reliable

Pure Storage has measured 6×9’s of uptime across its customer base. Many storage solutions for container environments will require hours of planning and weeks of proper implementation to provide high availability. Do not spend time re-architecting your storage infrastructure for PKS. Spend your time delivering k8s to your customers so they can deliver innovation for your business.  Use the Pure Storage devices you already have. You may not even need a whole new dedicated array (don’t tell sales I said that). 

Stateless Arrays for Stateful Data

Migrating data should be eliminated from your daily tasks. As FlashArrays move further into the future where data always stays in place. The ability to keep the data in place for multiple hardware generations is a proven benefit of Pure. Migrating persistent storage in k8s even on VMware is a non-trivial task. Depending on your scale this could take weeks of planning and careful flawless execution to accomplish non-disruptively. The underlying hardware should not be a concern for delivering applications. Pure Storage has made this a reality since the FlashArray debut 7 years ago.

Shared Storage

Delivering highly reliable data across multiple PKS and vSphere clusters, allowing applications to failover if the compute in an availability zone becomes unavailable, is key to delivering a cloud experience for your k8s rollout. While the Pure sales teams would gladly help you acquire a FlashArray per vSphere cluster hosting PKS this is simply un-needed for nearly all situations. Especially as you start on your Kubernetes journey.

But Why PURE?

Simple; vVols on the FlashArray combined with the PKS integration with vSphere enables mobility of data and freedom unavailable on a legacy datastore. Have a group that rolled their own k8s? FlashArray can clone their persistent data instantly into PKS using vVols. Need to copy data from a bare metal (non-VM) k8s cluster to PKS? Pure vVols makes this possible. Have multiple k8s clusters within PKS today that require the same data for test/dev/prod Pure Storage enables this nearly instantly. Pure Storage FlashArray Snapshots and Clones move at the speed of an API call from any of our SDK’s from Python to Powershell to Ansible to Terraform and more to give you an easy way to fit Pure Storage into your Infrastructure as Code tools. 

You can probably spend the next 5 hours reading blogs and papers of all the other benefits of Pure Storage and they all apply to your PKS on vSphere environment but I wanted to provide a few examples directly related to operating PKS on Pure.

VMworld 2019 Session

In my session for VMworld in San Francisco I will demonstrate how Pure Storage is able to instantly migrate persistent volumes from “other” k8s clusters to PKS. Make sure you make it to this session if you considering PKS.

Kubernetes on VMware vSphere Demo and more

This post is a recap of my session at VMworld last week in Las Vegas. First, due to lighting, the demo was no very easily viewable. I am really disappointed this happened. I posted the full demo here on youtube:

All of the scripts and instructions are available here on my github repo.


Coming up next is some work around kubespray and terraform.


VMworld 2018 in Las Vegas

I was going to write my own post, but Cody Hosterman already did a great one.

Cody’s VMworld 2018 and Pure Storage Blog

The sessions are filling up so it will be a good idea to register and get there early. I am very excited about talking about Kubernetes on vSphere. It will follow my journey of learning containers and Kubernetes over the last 2 years or so. Hope everyone learns something.

Last year,  here I am talking about containers in front of a container. Boom!

Come see @CodyHosterman at VMworld, and if he is too busy you can see me

Co89Fz2UAAAiAD9Look for a post about going to In-n-Out some time soon, it is my tradition.

Be sure to check out what we will be doing at VMworld at the end of the month. Click the banner below once you are done being mesmerized by Chappy. Sign up for a 1:1 demo or meeting, I’ll be there are would love to meed with you. See how focused a demo I give.


vmworld-sig chappyFB

Sessions to be sure to see featuring the Amazing Cody Hosterman

SDDC9456-SPO: Implementing Self-Service Storage Provisioning with vRealize Automation Xaas

VMware vCenter is no longer meant to be the end-user interface for requesting and managing virtual machines and related resources. Storage is no exception. Join Cody Hosterman as he discusses how vRealize Automation Anything-as-a-Service (Xaas) provides the ability to easily import vRealize Orchestrator workflows to control, manage and provision storage via the self-service catalog offering vRealize Automation.

Wednesday, Aug 31, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

NF9455-SPO: Best Practices for All-Flash Data Reduction Arrays with VMware vSphere

As All-Flash Data Reduction arrays are becoming common place in VMware environments due to their performance, flexibility and ease-of-use, it is important to understand how to best implement and manage them with EXXi. Data-reduction and flash changes how an administrator should think about various configuration options within VMware and those will be discussed in detail. VAAI, Space Reclamation, virtual disks, SIOC, SDRS Queue depths, Multipathing and other points will be highlighted.

Monday, Aug 29, 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM


Pretty sure my friend Cody Hosterman has talked about this until he turned blue in the face.  Just a point I want to quickly re-iterate here for the record. Run unmap on your vSphere Datastores.

Read this if you are running Pure Storage, but even if you run other arrays (especially all-flash) find a way to do UNMAP on a regular basis:


Additionally, start to learn the ins-n-outs of vSphere 6 and automatic unmap!


Speaking of In-n-out…. I want a double double before I start Whole 30.


Register: VMUG Webinar and Pure Storage September 22

Register here: http://tinyurl.com/pq5fd9k

September 22 at 1:00pm Eastern time Pure Storage and VMware will be highlighting the results of ESG Lab Validation paper. The study on consolidating workloads with VMware and Pure Storage used a single FlashArray //m50 and deployed five virtualized mission-critical workloads VMware Horizon View, Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft SQL Server (OLTP), Microsoft SQL Server (data warehouse) and Oracle (OLTP). While I won’t steal all the thunder it is good to note that all of this was run with zero tuning on the applications. Want out of the business of tweaking and tuning everything in order to get just a little more performance from your application? Problem Solved. Plus check out the FlashArray and the consistent performance even during failures.

Tier 1 workloads in 3u of Awesomeness


You can see in the screenshot the results of running tier one application on an array made to withstand real-world ups and downs of the datacenter. Things happen to hardware and software even, but it is good to see the applications still doing great. We always tell customers, it is not how fast the array is in a pristine benchmark, but how does it respond when things are not going well, when controller loses power or a drive (or two) fails. That is what sets Pure Storage apart (that and data reduction and real Evergreen Storage).

Small note: Another proven environment with near 32k block sizes. This one hung out between 20k and 32k, don’t fall for 4k or 8k nonsense benchmarks. When the blocks hit the array from VMware this is just what we see.

Register for the Webinar
You can win a GoPro too.

Finally Getting my vSphere 6 Lab running on Ravello

Using the Autolab 2.6 Config

Head on over the Labguides.com and check out autolab. I wanted a quick start, but didn’t want all the fun to be automated out of my hands. So I will give a quick tour of how I got my basic lab up and going. Part 2 I will add a VSAN cluster so I can catch up there too.

The auto-builds of Windows worked great. The domain controller auto setup with DHCP, Active Directory and the fun bits to get PXE working the the ESXi install. This is stuff I didn’t want to waste time on.

I had to re-kick off the vCenter build to get Powershell and PowerCLI up and going. I had to manually install vCenter 6 and the vCenter Appliance doesn’t play nice with Autolab. Ok for me because I actually wanted to run through the install to check the options and see if things like SSO setup got any better.

Letting the hosts PXE boot for vSphere 6 install.

ESXi Install finished

Installing vCenter 6.0

Deploying vCenter was actually pretty smooth. Small lab so I am using the Embedded Deployment.

Adding Hosts

Troubleshooting HA Issues

Just like old times the HA agents didn’t install correctly the first time. The more things change…


Great stuff from Ravello

Very thankful for the vExpert Lab space Ravello provided. If you are considering a home lab but don’t want to buy servers and switches and even storage this can be a good way to play with vSphere. I also spun up Photon and Openstack. Although I want to walk through the Openstack install from start to finish.

One of my hosts did this on boot but a quick restart and it was fine. Next step is to add some VSAN hosts which I will show next time.

(Hey, it’s emulated IntelVT on top of AWS, so its not-PROD.)




Use Ravello Repo to get the autolab config, openstack (which I am also playing with), and some other blueprints for labs.


Some help from this post from William Lam
